Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Notebook Entry

When I first entered my 12 grade english class, I knew I was going to have a cool teacher. every english and history teacher I ever had was always a cool dude or lady. So it wasn't a surprise that my teacher, Mr.Gallagher was an okay guy. The only thing on my mind was if my teacher gave alot of homework, other then that nothing else mattered. The time spent in that class was a good experience to learn more then I thought I knew. For one, I learned that if you provide an entertaining environment, interactions with students are more bearable than just giving the assignment and sending them off. If the materials are productive, then so will the student. Mr.Gallagher also lets the student do the work how they see fit. He will give the instruction but how you did it was up to you. By giving freedom, you are able to let your creativity show. Also, english class is a good way to learn how other people think. when presented with works from authors of different times, you also learn a little bit of history, but with the technique on how they wrote you get to learn a little bit about them and how they thought, which is good because you might know someone who thinks the same way. Every lesson was to help build your skills as a person. As the days go by, you will eventually learn how to think and act on your own without the help of the teacher. This is what Mr.Gallagher tried to teach because this will be a students last time to ever get help from anybody once they enter college. It wasn't torture that he was giving, he was helping us build a skill that will be essential in our adult lives.

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